Vinum Restaurants Company Ltd (Brew Wharf, Wine Wharf and Cantina Vinopolis) is proud to announce that TourAid and Skrum, 2 of the leading rugby charities associated with youth education, sportsmanship, and fight against poverty and HIV/ AIDS, will be our flagship charities for 2010!
Please see below what both organizations stand for and how they help changing lives abroad as well as in the UK.

Skrum aim is to give the youth of Swaziland HOPE for the future and for once the freedom of CHOICE in their lives through social education and the opportunity to play the wonderful game of RUGBY
- To give the school children of Swaziland much-needed education in sex awareness, differentiating between the young and the sexually active, while introducing an element of fun – RUGBY!
- To help develop individuals from families of limited resources who show ability in the game of rugby.
- To ensure that participants in the programme are attending an institution that offers a well-rounded education.
- To educate each participant in all aspects of the game of rugby (playing, officiating, coaching, diet, medical and administration).
- To develop children’s personalities and life skills so that they might grow into leaders who can proudly serve their communities and country.
SKRUM – Registered Charity No. 1123597
SKRUM is a limited company registered in England and Wales, No. 06505701
To learn more about Skrum click on

Touraid is a registered children’s charity that establishes sustainable relationships between schools and clubs in the UK with similar organisations around the world to support disadvantaged children.
Since our launch in October 2006 touraid has organised 35 tours for 400 children aged between 11 and 14 from 25 countries across 4 continents.
touraid offers free support to UK schools and clubs wishing to host activity based tours for disadvantaged children from overseas. We have a successful track record of initiating significant long term legacy benefits for these children.
touraid is now expanding its activity base from rugby to include almost any popular sport and cultural activity for boys or girls that the hosts and visiting children can participate in together. The duration of the tours is usually between 5 – 8 days.
We are supported by a number of high profile personalities and rugby players who act as our trustees, ambassadors and envoys, such as Mike Phillips, John Inverdale, Mike Catt, Sue Day, Chester Williams and Danny Cipriani.
UK Reg. Charity No 1116664
To learn more about Touraid click here